Beans & Cornbread

A Texas girl eats and knits her way across crabby old New England

Saturday, June 17, 2006

at laaaast...

my love may not have come along, but i finally finished the #&*$! homespun throw, and that's good enough for me.

so i made this throw blanket for my dad out of eight different colors of lion brand homespun. as you can probably see, i knitted it in three long strips and then seamed them together. a word of caution: if ya'll are ever unfortunate enough to knit something out of homespun, be sure and use a different yarn for sewing the seams, as homespun is really bulky and inelastic.

whew. i'm glad that's over. i wanted to take an action shot of me and my roommates snuggling under it, but it's too dang hot. maybe another day.

and just so yall don't think i've totally gone over to the dark (=acrylic) side:

here's my fair isle jazz scarf, lounging on my bed. i started this so i wouldn't succumb to a knitting coma from the throw. it's about halfway done and i'm quite pleased with it so far -- definitely a fun little knit. i think finishing's going to be a beyotch, though.


At 8:40 PM, Blogger joygoddess said...

Yay!!! First comment on the new site!!! Just make sure you keep it up, unlike me who seems to have abandoned my knitting blog.

That blanket looks awesome!!! And I think it meets the homespun quota for the world. Good job!!! :)

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Reese said...

omg you finished it! goddamn homespun. i commend you for sticking it out.


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