Beans & Cornbread

A Texas girl eats and knits her way across crabby old New England

Sunday, September 10, 2006


So I had about three inches left to go on my second Jaywalker, and I had to go and lose one of my dpns! Seriously, the thing is gone. Swallowed by the abyss. After much swearing and tearing-apart of my room, I hit on the idea of making a new one out of a bamboo skewer. We have a ridiculously huge supply of them at my house, so I procured some sandpaper from my artist roommate and sanded the hell out of one. It's small and a little flimsy, but it's still a perfectly serviceable knitting needle. So as long as both my Jaywalkers come out the same size, it's all good. Either way, I'll have pictures soon.


At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You qualify for a Macgyver knitting badge! You should go on over to and pick one up.


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