Beans & Cornbread

A Texas girl eats and knits her way across crabby old New England

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

so ugly it's pretty?

that's what i'm telling myself, anyway.
so i made this weird, weird scarf for my mom, at her request (she saw something that looked sorta like it on home shopping network). the pattern is loopy from knitty, heavily modified (and occasionally ignored). the main color is crystal palace kid merino, and the contrasting color is some sort of chunky malabrigo whose name and ball band are escaping me right now.

i'll admit, i never ever would have made this for myself. and at first, i was like, eeew, it looks like those webs that caterpillars spin in trees. i still think it does look a bit like that, but it's kinda growing on me. it helps that it's really, really soft. so hopefully my mommy will like it.

i've also been working on a forecast:

sorry for the crappy overexposed picture. i'm pleased with how it's coming along, though. i'm using the recommended cascade 220 tweed, but in a nice muted charcoal. muted colors are not usually my thang, but the farther along i get with this, the more i like it. we shall see.


At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my. i think i'm so much in an 'avoid my paper' mode, that i saw this post indecently fast after you posted it.

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh no, never mind. i'm actually just so out of it that i mistook today for last week, and 8:36 for 11:36.

my bad.

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way weird, huh, kid?
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